When You Have Just Arrived In A New Country, Finding The Right Place To Connect Your Utilities, Insure Your Belongings, Finding Your Specific Needs Etc., Can Be Very Complicated. Our Experienced Staff Can Help Make This A Lot Easier For You, Taking This Out Of Your Hands.
Some of the services that can be offered on as – needed basis include:
- Identification of options for doctor, dentist, special medical needs and child day care.
- Visit to the bank and post office.
- Visit to shopping areas/ food markets.
- Overview of leisure & hobby facilities, rest & recreation options.
- Assistance in obtaining a driver’s license. Though it is recommended for international assignees to avail services of a full time driver, a driver license can come handy for emergencies and week end travel.
- Assistance with utility connections (telephone, cable, Internet, Gas.)
- Cleaning Service
- Assistance with Furniture rentals, Furnishing shops, Car rentals
- Partner support – including introduction to expatriate networking clubs & support groups
- Move-in day assistance (coordinate cleaning, handyman services)